Applied knowledge is power

364 Pins
How Much You Should Have Saved in Your Retirement Account, by Age
Many of us set aside a portion of our income, such as 15% or more, for retirement and call it a day. That might be great if you have 30 years left to save, but what if you're just catching up to saving for retirement now or you've started saving much earlier? Fidelity's age-based savings milestones offer one way to see if you're on track.
Finding Financial Peace: How I plan on saving an extra $1000 in 2015
Finding Financial Peace: How I plan on saving an extra $1000 in 2015 | Hello Pretty Bird! - A beauty and not-so-glamorous lifestyle blog
Start A Fire
Personal Finance in 10 Sentences | Personal finance is so simple it can be broken down into 10 sentences. If you would like to better your financial situation and exit the rat race early, click through to the post to learn more about these sentences!
The Budgeting Method That Changed My Life
A step-by-step guide on the budgeting process that changed my financial life. This unique budgeting method combines the calendar method, the cash envelope method, and the paycheck method. I love how the system is easy to use, easy to follow, and allows you to save money and pay off debt, while still paying regular bills. It also is the only system that allows you to incorporate the cash envelope into your budget worksheet! #cashenvelopemethod #daveramsey #budget #savemoney #debt