Older People & Aging issues

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Working In Geriatrics? Steal These 35 Tips For OTs
Check out these tips from other #occupationaltherapy practitioners that work with the older adult population. Find this tip "Help prevent caregiver burnout." and MORE at SeniorsFlourish.com | #OT #geriatricOT
Notice how the lady is tugging at his jacket to draw him closer. Now notice the little girl's mouth agape.
45 Life Lessons Written by a "90-Year-Old" Woman That'll Put Everything Into Perspective
45 Life Lessons
Generations Together | Banbury
Love the idea that old age is a gift; still working on becoming the person God wants me to be.
showtheLOVE Inspirational Hand-Sculpted Jewelry with Recycled Metals
The Pets For The Elderly Foundation is a non-profit foundation that matches an unwanted , mature shelter animal to a lonely elderly person. Pets bring stimulation, offer unconditional love, help loneliness, and can help ease the loss of a loved one.
Humor old age ...For the best funny humor and funniest quotes visit www.bestfunnyjokes4u.com/lol-best-funny-cartoon-joke-2/
With love for my Mom who has dementia... Stella was the best medicine. Brought much happiness whilst we were there. Thank goodness for dogs.
A German Retirement Community Did A Calendar Where Seniors Amazingly Re-Created Famous Movie Scenes
A German Retirement Community Did A Calendar Where Seniors Amazingly Recreated Famous Movie Scenes
Why Your Ancestors Didn’t Have Anxiety Or Depression And You Do - Ancestral Nutrition
Why Your Ancestors Didn't Have Anxiety or Depression and You Do