
196 Pins
130K views · 2.7K reactions | High beginner pole combo | I love seeing how many spins i can string together Take a few steps in between your spins to make it a bit easier- this gives you time to regrip and... | By Vertical Vixens Pole Fitness LLC | Facebook
Pole Dance Studio | Rosenheim 🇩🇪 on Instagram: "An easy choreo that does not require much strength, but goes more into coordinating the tricks in order to get fluid movement. We teach this in Level 2 Tricks & Choreo Level, after around 6 months of Pole Dance. Each level in our studio takes 8 weeks to be completed, after which you can go further in the next level, you can choose to repeat the same one or go lower and repeat the basics. #polechoreo #polestatic #pdstatic #poleclass #poleroutine #
(Learn) Dip Spin - Beginner Pole Dance Spins | PolePedia Pole Dictionary
Eglina Mažeikienė on Instagram: "For your strong body 💪🏼⭐️ 🙏If you like my videos, please support me by subscribing to see more."
(Learn) Cradle Spin - Beginner Pole Dance Spins | PolePedia
The Pole Fit Studio on Instagram: "What a blast beginners spin pole was today! How gorgeous does Holly look with this awesome combo 💕 If climbing the pole is too much as a beginner, just do a big jump up instead! We have spaces in our beginners spin pole drop in class on Saturday 23rd March at 11am. Message to book 💫 Student @holsinheels #spinpole #spinpolecombo #beginnersspinpole #beginnersspinpolecombo #spinpole ##thepolefitstudio #chapelstudio #poleclassespeterborough"
𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝓁𝑜𝓉𝓉𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝒷𝑒𝓇𝓉𝓈𝑜𝓃 on Instagram: "BEGINNERS POLE FLOW 🌟 Wearing @olraactivewear (CHARLOTTE10 for %%%) #polebeginner #polebeginners #polebegginer #polebeginnertips #poleconditoning #polestrength #polestrengthtraining #polestrengthandconditioning #poledrills #poletraining #poleworkout #beginnerspole #beginnerpoletricks #beginnerpoleflow #polefitness"
(Learn) Reverse Sunwheel - Beginner Pole Spin Lesson | PolePedia
(Learn) Basic Pole Sit - PolePedia Pole Dance Dictionary