building myself

39 Pins
3 Habits You Need For Better Self-Care - The Blissful Mind
You know that feeling where your head is about to explode from the 10 million thoughts that are swirling around in it? Try this easy brain dump exercise! | brain dump worksheet, brain dump template, personal growth, self care ideas, self care tips, self care for women, self care worksheet, journaling ideas, morning pages, gratitude journal, healthy habits, mental health exercise
How to Create a Mental Health Crisis ToolKit
Do you have a toolkit for your mental health? If not then use this to come up with ideas of what to put in yours. A mental health toolkit keeps you prepared for anything and helps you push through tough times.
What I Carry in My Mental Health 'Crisis Kit'
What I Carry in My Mental Health ‘Crisis Kit’ | The Mighty
24 Things to Do When Depression Won't Let You Get Up in the Morning
24 Things to Do When Depression Won’t Let You Get Up in the Morning | The Mighty #depression #mentalhealth #morning #morningmotivation #selfcare #tips
17 Things To Do When You’re in a Total Funk
Things to do when you're in a funk // things to do when you're down, how to get motivated again, good mood boosters, how to feel happy again, in a funk, how to feel better, depression, anxiety, unmotivated, inspiration #feelbetter #lifestyleblogger #feelings #floridabloggers #therapy #thingstodo
How to Find Your Why: 19 Questions to Ask Yourself
Finding Yourself // What to Do When You Can't Find Yourself?