Things I Love

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This would be so cute and easy to replicate on a piece of canvas for Sayleigh's big girl room
this just knocked all the air out of my lungs. I don't think I could ever put anything else in this board that would sum it up better.
ARgENTUM ~ REBEL ~ la potion infinie #rebel #blackandwhite #thenightisyoung
9,135 Likes, 31 Comments - ATTICUS (@atticuspoetry) on Instagram: “'Beautiful' #atticuspoetry #atticus #poetry #poem #beautiful #tonight #love #wild artwork:…”
My flaws and my past are a part of me. And if you tell him from the start who you used to be and what you have know where you stand. And if he wants you so much he can look past all that...give him a chance.
I hate not being able to control my own feelings, but because of you, I love it.
Daddy Allan, remember telling me this? That the reason that you've met me late in your life is because we are the ones who are meant to be together, forever. Love you and our little boy so much. Thank you for makig me the happiest girl