Kids Videos for School

203 Pins
There's An Alligator Under My Bed-Story Time
Read Aloud Books on YouTube including: The Giving Tree, No David!, Lama Lama Red Pajama, Miss Nelson is Missing, If You Give a Mouse a Cookies, Olivia, Where the Wild Things Are, You Are Special, and many more!
[Time-Lapse] Mung Bean Germination
Time-lapse video showing seed germination - great way for students to make observations about parts of a seed and plant life cycles.
Life cycle of a Frog!
Life cycle of a Frog! Excellent video with cute music, illustrations, photos, and videos and frog sounds.
🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 The ABC Song . How to learn abc songs for children - phonics alphabets for kids
The Month Song by Susan Salidor
3D Shapes I Know (solid shapes song- including sphere, cylinder, cube, cone, and pyramid)
3D Shapes I Know (solid shapes song- including sphere, cylinder, cube, cone, and pyramid) - Free video.
Banana and Potato Song with Subtitled Lyrics (Despicable Me 2 Trailer)
Minions "Banana" I laugh every time I watch it
Itsy Bitsy Spider Song by the GoFish Guys
Itsy Bitsy Spider Rap.... the K-2's looooove this video!! I use it in Music class a lot, but can be great for a wiggle break for other times of the day too! :)