Formula Can & Food Jar Uses

Uses for Baby formula tins and baby food jars. Recycling. DIY. Crafty
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Super cute tin man made out of cans..I've had these guys for years courtesy of my Mom and a man that made them in KawKawlin, MI. He also did a tin girl. These will be my summer project. Let me know if you can save cans for me and when I've perfected it I will make you one.
Lies, Damn Lies and Butter?
Great way to use formula cans - the ones that aren't being used as herb planters, that is...
Savvy uses for baby jars, formula scoops, and breast pump parts?
SCOOP That comes in a baby formula can Equals 1 TBS measurement
10 Simple and Fun One Year Old Activities
Pipe Cleaner Drop This simple play can be easily achieved using an old tin formula can or bottle with holes in the lid. Be sure to smooth off the edges to ensure there is nothing sharp that your toddler can catch themselves on. Buddy loves nothing more than pushing the pipe cleaners or straws into the holes. To make things more challenging for a slightly older toddler, you could make the holes different sizes.
Homemade drums. Stretch a balloon over a formula can, hot glue straws, done!
How Ram Dass Healed Himself : Grace in a Dark Time
Silverware Holder - For more, visit
Not so idle hands
using canisters from Oatmeal, slim-fast, etc, you can make cute cookie containers
making a remote holder from a baby formula container... I'm gonna try this with a nesquick container I've been saving for years, shape would hold our 2 remotes perfectly.