
62 Pins
Only don't know
"Leave your front door and your back door open. Allow your thoughts to come and go. Just don’t serve them tea." ..* —Shunryu Suzuki
23 Inspirational Words You'll Love Scrolling Through
23 Inspirational Quotes to Think About They will come. Trust. That’s it. Try it today. Breathe deep, that’s it. Nourish yourself. You gotta have that delusion. You don’t need to prove it. Which will you be? Live an amazing life. Soon you’ll just stay silent because you know you should. Get in balance. Don’t let …
The Most Precious Thing I Can Give You
The Most Precious Thing I Can Give You - https://themindsjournal.com/precious-thing-can-give/
10 Inspirational Quotes Of The Day (426) - LifeHack
Positive quotes about strength, and motivational
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