Antique lighting

Pair of WAS Benson No1173 Wall Lights with Benson pattern Silk Shades
Pair of WAS Benson Antique Wall Lights with Benson pattern Silk Shades.
found a place for my misplaced door
Shabby Chic via Raina Harper Love this Lampshade :)
May 16th, 2009 Auction Highlights | Case Auctions
*RARE-VICTORIAN ~ oil lamp etched glass shade with classical scenes. Base has 4 cherubs perched on each corner foot.
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Vintage Wrought Iron Birdcage Lamp with Filament Bulb by BeJanked, $225.00
HOAX.COM: unravelling the truth from fiction, past to present...
This magnificent pair of cast metal torchere lamps in the Renaissance style were made by the Edward F. Caldwell Lighting Company, circa 1900-1910s. Measuring almost seven feet tall, they have their original polychrome finish and alabster bases.