
153 Pins
15 DIY Wood Log Ideas for your Garden Decor - 1001 Gardens
rad d.i.y. inspiration, especially like that the stumps do double duty serving as end tables as well ... Modern-rustic, sculptural 'Tree stump Bench'...
Clivia Miniata
Latin Name: Clivia; Common Name: Amaryllis family including bulbs and phizomes; Type: bulb; Warning: poisonous
Consider These Heat, Drought Tolerant Vegetables for your Garden
Consider These Heat, Drought Tolerant Vegetables for your Garden - Larry Cipolla's Blog - Edina, MN Patch
Calla Lilly - Another Look
Calla Lilly (Zantedeschia aethiopica). Symbolizes magnificent beauty & maidenly modesty. Photo by Bill Gracey.
The Union Hill Log Cabin, 800 square feet, affordable and roomy
small cabin homes with lofts | The Union Hill Log Cabin, 800 square feet, affordable and roomy
This House Costs Just $20,000—But It’s Nicer Than Yours
<p>How do you design a home that someone living below the poverty line can afford, but that anyone would want?</p>
Banana Crepes
Banana Crepes Recipe -Freda Becker of Garrettsville, Ohio likes to serve this impressive treat at parties. Pleasant banana-orange flavor makes it great for dinner or brunch.
Creating a Chicken Habitat with Tips from Jungle Fowl
Creating a Chicken Habitat -- based on habits and habitat of jungle fowl, the wild relative of the chicken. The key is to think PLANT DIVERSITY, not a manicured lawn or pasture, because plant diversity attracts a diversity of insects. Same kind of thinking as for a permaculture farm. Includes advice for making the most of a small space.