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Japanese Fine Art | Japanese Ceramics
Kitamura Junko Low, round, double-walled concave dish, decorated with punched-patterning accentuated with white slip inlays, ca. 2009 Stoneware glazed with black slip and white slip inlay (mishima style) 4 x 9 1/4 inches
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ZIELONO MI STUDIO SENSUAL . CERAMIKA dwa ceramiczne talerzyki, dopasowane kształtem i wzorem do siebie wzajemnie tworząc koło, wykonane z ciemno-brązowej gliny, pokryte soczystym, zielonym szkliwem.
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Handbuilt Stoneware Turtle Platter by PotterybyHelene on Etsy, $59.00
Ceramics Now
Put a paper pattern over the design and texture the surrounding areas. Rika Herbst Ceramics