Bible verses

25 Pins
The New Jerusalem - Jesus Christ's 1000 Year Reign - The Great White Throne Judgment
Awesome video of the coming Kingdom!
Psalm 40:1-3.... He lifted me out of despair, because of that I have a new song; a new life, new opportunities, a new relationship with the One who is forever faithful to me (:
War Room Prayers to Pray Over Your Marriage - The Modern Mary
War room prayers for protection over your marriage. Plus download the free prayer cards!
War Room Prayers for the Weary Mom - The Modern Mary
7 amazing prayers for your war room wall. Especially if you're a weary mom.
Free Prints
Below are four FREE prints. All of you have to do to claim your free print is e-mail me at by Friday, July 19....
Handmade Products
Everyone needs a bit of encouragement from time to time. Thankfully, the Bible is full of encouraging verses! Even in the midst of the financial crisis that we are in the middle of, we can remain hopeful and encouraged if we keep trusting in God
{Joy Day!} A Four-Part Plan - An Extraordinary Day
Awesome verse! No fear, be still, He will fight for you. Exodus 14:13-14. | click for more about the Lord, scriptures and scripture verses.
Amen, in Jesus name I accept my blessings of desires in abundance of immeasurable proportion, I accept salvation by confessing with my mouth that you my Lord Jesus, King of kings are my Lord and Savior, my God, because of you father everything I speak comes to fruition commanded by the Holy Ghost, through the everlasting love of Jesus Christ, embraced in Gods mercy and grace. Amen... Lisa Christiansen, child of the one true king ΙΧΘΥΣ
10 Inspiring Quotes to Teach Your Children
10 Quotes to Teach Your Children | Feels Like Home Blog™