Spells, witchcraft, etc.

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Every witch needs a beautiful broom! Check out Broomcorn Johnny's or look them up on the web (http://broomcornjohnnys.com/) for affordable, high quality, and gorgeous handmade brooms of all sizes and styles!
“Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” ~Oscar Wilde
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Witch's Magic Bookstand - what a great idea and how useful in the process of directing energy in group circles - frees up the hands (and especially the wand or the athame hand!)
You don't need all of the other fancy ingredients that you find in books, that's just witchy fluff. Just remember, what you send out returns to thee
*a bit of serendipity*
On right side of page: Spell to attract an item to you. Draw a picture or symbol; of the item on a leaf; with the end of a burnt stick; tie the leaf around a tree with a vine; then walk around the base of tree; nine times, repeating the spell.