Small businesses

23 Pins
Artist creates little matchbox greeting cards with hidden messages inside (part I) - Awesome
*cajitas para mensajitos*
Giving Your Brand a Boost in Social Media
Yes, you should write a business plan! - Tap the link now to Learn how I made it to 1 million in sales in 5 months with e-commerce! I'll give you the 3 advertising phases I did to make it for FREE! #entrepreneur #startup #onlinebusiness
Percentage of Small Businesses that Fail in the First Year
Percentage of Small Businesses that Fail in the First Year
Your Small Business Plan: Before You Write It, Read This #infographic
Your Small Business Plan: Before You Write It, Read This #infographic #Business #SmallBusiness
Interesting Facts And Tips For Upcoming Youtubers Out There - Infographic
Interesting Facts And Tips For Upcoming Youtubers Out There - Infographic - Prime Loyalty
When starting a small business, entrepreneurs usually direct all their resources and efforts toward making money. And rightly so. What good is a small business if it doesn't generate revenue? But wants all entrepreneurs to know that just as important as making money is protecting the money you've earned. How, you ask? Through cost-saving avenues afforded to…
Starting a Business? Here's What You'll Be Up Against (Infographic) | Entrepreneur
Starting a Business? Here's What You'll Be Up Against (Infographic)
UK Small Business Startup Guide for Noobs Like us (Infographic)
UK Small Business Startup Guide for Noobs Like us (Infographic)