
22 Pins
5 Incredible Things Dogs Can Sense Before They Happen
5 Amazing Things Dogs Can Sense Before It Happens
These Free Crochet Patterns Will Give You the Best Dressed Dog in Town
These Free Crochet Patterns Will Give You the Best Dressed Dog in Town
10+ Homemade Dog Treats - A Night Owl Blog
How to make your own Dog Treats! 2 4oz cans of baby food, 2 cups of whole wheat flour, Mix and bake. So simple. Made 40ish medium bones and 30ish small.
NashvillePaw acquired - Nashville Paw
Perfect Dachshund blanket for Burrowing! Yep, a doxie thing!
Dachshund Snuggle Bags
Dachshund Snuggle Bags -- I think all little dogs and all cats should have one! :-)
DIY doggy bed. All you need is an old sweatshirt and a pillow or something to stuff in. My dog is in love with his new bed.
DIY: How to Make a T-Shirt Dog Toy|DIY: How to Make a T-Shirt Dog Toy|DIY: How to Make a T-Shirt Dog Toy
As humankind’s most loyal and steadfast friend, dogs share many qualities with people. Both understand moods of those around them, both enjoy sleeping on the bed, and both dogs and people get into trouble when they’re bored. With a couple old t-shirts and a paws in your day, you can make a quick and easy toy to prevent that mischievous boredom in your canine companion. Who knows? Your pooch might find your handmade creation quite… fetching.
Free dog dress-pants-PJs, costumes, caps (headwear), shirt-coat-sweater pattern & instructions (MOLDE: ACC 08)