
16 Pins
The Armor of God
Love her artwork that isn't consumed with male images. This one in particular says that God's Word is for me, too! peggy aplSEEDS: The Armor of God
Bible Verses For Guiding Kids Through Life Situations - Growing Curious Minds
Bible Verses for guiding kids through life situations
12 Powerful Verses to Pray Over Our Children {with free printable}
Whether you're a "seasoned" parent or a brand-new one, what you pray will have a powerful impact on your kids - both now and for the rest of their lives. Here are 12 inspiring and encouraging verses to pray over your children!
Bible Essay Examples - Only The Best to Spark Your Inspiration! | WOWESSAYS™
Armor of God poster from Practical pages
peggy aplSEEDS
Love this rendition of the Armor of God for a girls room! BEAUTIFUL!
lds girl in armour | Put on the whole armor of GOD. I love this picture! | I'm a Mormon
Melonheadz LDS illustrating
armor of God