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Interior of the tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings, UNESCO World Heritage Site, West Bank, Luxor, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa
Queen Nefertiti of Egypt. Online Travel Agencies, Egypt Tours Packages, Egypt Cairo Holidays
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The Death Mask of King Tutankhamun Tumblr
Anúbis (em grego antigo: Ἄνουβις) ou Anupo foi como ficou conhecido pelos gregos deus egípcio antigo dos mortos e moribundos, guiava e conduzia a alma dos mortos no submundo, Anúbis era sempre representado com cabeça de chacal, mas outras fontes afirmam que o animal em questão é o coiote, entretanto os egiptólogos mais conservadores afirmam que não há como saber com certeza, era sempre associado com a mumificação e a vida após a morte na mitologia egípcia,
Surprising Facts About the Boy Pharaoh King Tutankhamun
Facts About King Tut -Often described as the 'Boy King of Egypt', King Tutankhamun ruled the empire for a very short term. It is believed that his reign was too short and uneventful to leave a mark in the history of ancient Egypt. However, with the discovery of his tomb and its fabulous treasures, the Pharaoh's name became famous overnight. The 3000-year-old mummy was the only clue to the life and death of King Tutankhamun
Art of ancient Egypt - Wikipedia
Bust of Nefertiti - Ancient Egypt - Egyptian Museum of Berlin
Revealed: King Tut had girlish hips, a club foot and buck teeth
Revealed: King Tut had girlish hips, a club foot and buck teeth
أنا أولى بحلاوتها - camel safari,Sharm El Sheikh :) | Facebook
Újabb ÁLOMÁRAK jöttek! SHARM EL-SHEIKH és DAHAB már 31.900 FT + illetéktől…
Traveling to Cairo The Egyptian Museum
The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Cairo, Egypt. Some day...
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Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut - Wikipedia
Temple of Hatshepsut (معبد حتشبسوت)
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The Nile River (نهر النيل)