Vegetable garden

21 Pins
How I Plant a Tomato
Very detailed instructions on how to grow a better tomato plant.@Gail Regan Truax://
Shade Tolerant Vegetables vs Sun Friendly Veggies
Not all vegetables are created equal. Some can take less sunlight than others. See more:
Companion Planting Chart Lots Of Great Info Video Tutorial
If you are looking for the best Companion Planting Chart and information, you are in the right place. Watch the video tutorial too.
Full List of Seeds to Sow for Your Fall Vegetable Garden
15 Vegetables you can Grow in Autumn - in the garden or containers. Keep yourself in fresh veggies for salads, stir-fries, soups, and savory dishes right through to the first frost!.
Follow all these tips to make growing healthy and fruitful tomato plants easy. 1. Plant your tomato plant in a place with 10 hours of direct sunlight. 2. Have enough space between plants for air flow. 3. Soak the base of your tomato plants once a week or more during those hot summer days. 4. Pinch and remove suckers that develop in the crotch joint of two branches. 5. Use a tomato cage to support your plants. 6. When your tomato plant reaches 3 ft. tall, remove the leaves from the ...
Here's a Quick Way to Prune Indeterminate Tomato Plants
Do your tomato plants grow huge and out of control each year? Do they flop over, get taken over by disease or overwhelm parts of your garden? Do you want bigger tomatoes earlier in the season? If you answered yes to any of these questions then pruning your tomatoes should be on your garden task list this season.
Start A Fire
Learn how to grow cucumbers vertically to get the most productive plant Growing cucumbers vertically also save lot of space.
Growing potatoes in a laundry basket - seems like an interesting $1.00 experiment.
The Trick to Harvesting Basil ALL Summer Long
Basil is easy to grow in the garden and if you harvest it right, it will continue to provide fresh leaves for seasoning (and pesto!) for months at a time. Basil is an easy one to add to your vegetable garden!
14 Vegetables That Are Easy To Grow From Seed
Many plants for your home garden can be seeded directly into your garden beds.
The Trick to Harvesting Basil ALL Summer Long
Basil is easy to grow in the garden and if you harvest it right, it will continue to provide fresh leaves for seasoning (and pesto!) for months at a time. Basil is an easy one to add to your vegetable garden!