
85 Pins
Small Parts Clamp (Softer grip than pliers.) The jaws of the clamp are made from a short section of 1 1/4" dowel. The dowel is split down the center and then the two halves are reassembled with a bolt, a wing nut and a few washers that space the "jaws" apart. A wedge inserted at the back of the clamp forces the jaws together. Start by drilling the bolt hole through the dowel section and then tapering the jaw end with a sander. Cut the dowel and add the wedge.
Drawer-Box Helper Woodworking Plan from WOOD Magazine
Drawer-Box Helper Woodworking Plan, Workshop & Jigs Jigs & Fixtures Workshop & Jigs $2 Shop Plans
Homesteading Hacks Every Homestead Should Know | Homesteading
Homesteader’s Guide to Soil Improvement | Homesteading Hacks Every Homesteader Should Know
Going green - make your own jig and fixture knobs / wing...
Going green - make your own jig and fixture knobs / wing nuts
Homemade Spring Clamps / Pinces à ressort maison
❧ Homemade Spring Clamps
Under Cabinet Spice Rack: A Smart Solution For Your Kitchen
Under Cabinet Spice Rack: A Smart Solution For Your Kitchen
Micro-Mark Tools - Precision Tools and More for Makers
Sand block - lixa de mao …