
385 Pins
Colorful Golden Retriever Art Print Print of My Original Watercolor Painting - Etsy Canada
*Watermark (Weekday Best logo) will NOT be included on your print! If a golden retriever is your kind of dog, youll like this painting! This is a
Some people tell us we're too playful, too excited, and we just eat too many objects; It's those who wait out the trouble for five long years who understand the beauty of a friendship a Labrador will bring...
Ce qui compte, ce sont les liens d'affection qui relient les gens entre eux, formant une toile immense et invisible sans laquelle le monde s'écroulerait. Le reste, auquel on consacre la plus grande partie de son temps en prenant des airs très sérieux, n'a que peu d'importance. ~ - Jacques Poulin (Le vieux chagrin) - Just perfect
Satellite picture of Mount Taranaki or Mount Egmont from the NASA Earth Observatory, showing the nearly-circular Egmont National Park surrounding it. New Plymouth is the grey area on the northern coast, NZ
OMG SO Smart!! Life Hacks
OMG SO Smart!! Life Hacks - Page 2 of 2 - Princess Pinky Girl - Princess Pinky Girl // Powered by chloédigital