
8 Pins
"Old clown" by Lubomir Tkacik, Circus: Clowns, People: Portraits, Painting
Lubomir Tkacik, "Old clown" With a click on 'Send as art card', you can send this art work to your friends - for free!
HelloGiggles: a Positive Community for Women
sweet graffiti
Woman on a ledge: Artist creates vertigo-inducing images of herself perched precariously on top of some of the world’s tallest skyscrapers
Seeing the city streets from above. Through heights we can see how the photogropher see's the city below.
Error - Saatchi Art
Saatchi Online Artist: Stas Sugint; Enamel, 2012, Painting "Lady with Cherry "
One sweet goodbye Painting by Yuliya Vladkovska | Saatchi Art
Saatchi Online Artist Yuliya Vladkovska; Painting, "One sweet goodbye" #art