Assassins Creed

Vittoria Agli Assassini
117 Pins
Which Assassin From Assassin's Creed Are You Like?
I got: Shay Cormac ! Which Assassin From Assassin's Creed Are You Like?
The downfall of the Order, finally explained - Comic & Webtoon
I personally avoided playing Assassins Creed Black Flag because of Edward...
Okay. I think this had to be made. I see a lot of cosplayers out there who can't seem to get their hood looking good. Very few people seem to get it looking decent. Which is understandable. The AC ...
Assassin's Creed Symbol Poster by acTurul on DeviantArt
Assassin's Creed Symbol Poster by on @deviantART
Best 50 Video Game Memes of 2013 - Gameranx
Watching the mediacows play assassins creed 3 was the only reason i did good in social studies when we learned about the american revolution
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Assassin's Creed Banner. £15.00, via Etsy. --> This looks awesome and sexy lol jk