Felt Fun

163 Pins
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Beautiful!! I'd love to make a coaster like this for a warm mug of tea on my night stand. : )
The Wonderful World of Felt
Whimsy Owl Way: The Wonderful World of Felt
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Hanging heart ornament Blue lilac felt button by PuffinPatchwork
Ice Cream and Popsicle Necklaces For Kids with Free Template - artzycreations.com
Ice Cream and Popsicle Necklaces For Kids with Free Template | artzycreations.com
DIY Felt Cupcake Key Chain
DIY Felt Cupcake Key Chain | iCreativeIdeas.com LIKE Us on Facebook == https://www.facebook.com/icreativeideas
СЕРДЕЧКИ и елочки ИЗ ФЕТРА. МНОГО ИДЕЙ | новогодние подарки,поделки и костюмы
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French Hen pattern is in zee shop!
mmmcrafts: French Hen pattern is in zee shop!
Make a Felt Owl Pouch for Ear Buds (Free Pattern) — Empress of Dirt
Make an ear bud case using this sweet owl pattern. This is a simple sewing project suitable for beginners who want to work with wool felt and embroidery thread. (scheduled via http://www.tailwindapp.com?utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=twpin&utm_content=post22364600&utm_campaign=scheduler_attribution)