
22 Pins
6y @
seemingly looks like an assignment from the past... :P
Bottle Cap Footstools
Bottle Cap Footstools Photo Tutorial - This blew my mind! These R 2 small for Barbie's feet but there are so many other bottle tops we can adapt
Second Chances - MiPad could be yours...
Modern Mini Houses: Second Chances - MiPad could be yours...
So easy and quick! Make a miniature wall clock for your dolls house in around five minutes
Dollhouse Bookcase
I've been looking for plans for a dollhouse that will fit barbies for quite a while and came across this blog.
Bricking An Entire Facade: Tips and Tricks
Dollhouse tutorial: tips and tricks for bricking an entire facade More
state-of-the-dollhouse address
DIY Inspiration: single chair swing More