BARNYARD vintage Finds

HEY JUDES is the biggest collexlctiblws and fabulosity furniture Barn in KZN!
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Tallboy Mahogony with secret drawer @ Hey Judes Barn - R6500 find heyjudes antiques barn on Facebook and see it instore !
Hey Judes pewter mugs R150 choose some We can send to your Postnet add R150 postages 0824676720
Hey JUDES vintage mirrors on the living wall on Tanya Vissers Gold stand at Garden Show PMB
Brass very unusual change candlestick holders R235 each - find heyjudes antiques barn on Facebook!
Hey Judes for cool Gumboots R100 all different sizes - find heyjudes antiques barn on Facebook!
And plenty ladders for pot rack or towel rack projects - you have to come picking @ Barn on KZN!