Solar system

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'El aire es un arcoiris blanco' (La naturaleza poliarmónica de la realidad)
harmonic waveforms
How To Play Ukulele Harmonics
Always wanted to know what natural/artificial harmonic notes are and how to play them on the ukulele? Read this guide to learn within minutes!
El Patrón de los Números Primos: Prime Number Patterns
Prim Numbers Visualization - Prim Number Pattern. A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. Primes are special numbers…. then what makes primality so special? Don Zagier, an...
David Basanta on Twitter
Some of the most important equations in physics. HT: @inesgn
ArchiesPress Solar System
The creator of this solar system chart, Archie Archambault, makes similar charts of city neighbourhoods too.
How our Solar System travels through the galaxy!
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