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Santa Maria BBQ Grill. Designed and Fabricated by JD Fabrications. Our pits are completely welded together there are no bolts. Our drop in units
How to make a pocket grill – DIY projects for everyone!
Awesome There are many moveable grills on the market for tenting and different outside creation...
Cheap No-Weld Tire Rim Grill: Delicious BBQ in 6-Steps – DIY projects for everyone!
No-Weld Tire Rim Grill There are several examples of tire rim grills out there, but this is one of the more elegant versions you will see. And what's great is that it is also a really easy DIY project. You can definitely do this yourself regardless of your skill level. Learn how to make this DIY tire rim grill by heading over to our site at
Best Offset Smokers: Quality, Ease & Results
Before you start shopping for a new offset smoker, check out these must-consider features and click on the image for the full guide | Burning Brisket | Barbecue Everything | important offset barbecue features, barrel smoker features, buying an offset barbecue, buying a smoker, smoker features, barbecue features