3D Quilt Blocks

34 Pins
Scrappy Strings Baby Quilt
The Nifty Stitcher Look at this flower for an alternate approach to flowers for…
Mary Janes & Galoshes - Latest Craft Tips & Product Recommendations
3D Twisty tube block
Mary Janes & Galoshes - Latest Craft Tips & Product Recommendations
3-D Twisty One side of the block is twisted once with the other twisted twice. Take a pick of which one you like best.
WindMill 1
I couldnt find this block when I went to the site but, I repinned it because I think I can figure it out without the info!
Books and patterns on quilting, sewing, knitting, crochet, and crafts.
3-D Butterfly Quilt Pattern from Cute Quilts for Kids from Martingale
Mary Janes & Galoshes - Latest Craft Tips & Product Recommendations
Elaine with her twist block
Blog Archive » 3-Dimensional Bow-Tie
tutorial -- 3-Dimensional Bow-Tie. I learned this years ago on TV, it makes a cute (quick!) baby quilt, too!