Pop Tabs

115 Pins
Bracelet Made of Soda Can Rings And Ribbons – Nbeads
Summary: How do you deal with the soda can rings when you have some soft drinks? What I think is that you may usually throw them as rubbishes. Actually they can be useful materials to create pop can crafts. Let's see the following bracelet, you would know
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Handmade Upcycled Pop Tab Necklace with Roses by Streetcycled
Fan 105 Pop Tab May 4 2012
Fan 105 Pop Tab May 4 2012
Pop tab (pull tab) crochet – my method… An epic post
Pop tab (pull tab) crochet – my method… An epic post
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Lots of different soda can tab projects- inspiration
Pop tab – generationcrochet
Pop tab | generationcrochet
Great youtube tutorial on making pop tab bracelet with satin ribbon
Can/ Soda Tab Chainmail Vambrace Tutorial by kirilee on DeviantArt