Garden Ideas-Flower Garden

68 Pins
20+ Insanely Clever Gardening Tips And Ideas
Rain barrel. Note spigot on bottom, overflow valve on top. 20 Insanely Clever Gardening Tips And Ideas
Garden Rock Art: Creative DIY Projects to Enhance Your Space
DIY Garden Projects with Rocks
Muitas ideias para decoração de vasos!!!
Gardener's Corner
Want more butterflies in your yard? Plant the nectar plants they love! Here's a great list of butterfly-attracting annual and perennial plants — including those needed for butterfly larvae. #infographic #garden #gardening
Propagating Succulents is Easy and Gives you New plants for free
Don't know the name of your succulent or cactus plant? This great Compendium of 127 Stunning Desert Plants and Succulents may help. Image shared with permission of . For help on propagating succulents please visit