
42 Pins
GO | and make disciples of all the nations! The good news is TOO GOOD not to share with everyone you know; so go forth spread the gospel as this is the Great Commission to bring all of God's children back home to Him and His great love. #30daysofbiblelettering #day5 #matthew2820 by @a.lacheng via
How Prayer Changes Your Life and Deepens Your Faith -
Morning Prayer: A prayer to Help Deepen Your Prayer Life.. Yes I pray this in Jesus Christ name AMEN ❤️
PSALM 143:8 LET*!!! IT*!!! BE*!!!!!!! DEAR*!!!!!!! LORD*!!!!!!! LET*!!! IT*!!!!!!! BE*!!!!!!! 🙏 🙌
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Proverbs 31 Illustration by Makewells
How to Live in a Bi-Polar World
“It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” ~Charles Dickens If that doesn’t describe the paradox of life- I don’t know what does. The rhythm of this life is bi-polar. The beat is booming and the tempo erratic. Don’t panic. I AM with you. I will #help you and hold […]
1 Juan 1:5 Este es el mensaje que hemos oído de él, y os anunciamos: Dios es luz, y no hay ningunas tinieblas en él.♔