Disney Food

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DE I CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES Farmers Market The Land EPCOT Center I Yield: 2-2'4 dozen cookies %4 cup sugar egg I cup shortening 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons teaspoon salt cake flour I 4 teaspoon baking powder 1 package (8 ounces) I 1 teaspoon vanilla extract chocolate chips Cream together the sugar, shortening, salt, be aking powder, vanilla and egg until light and fluffy. Fold in cake flour. Add chocolate chips, I stirring just to mix evenly. On plastic wrap, shape into two 2 2-inch-in- I diameter rolls. Chill thoroughly. To bake, cut into -inch slices. Bake at I for about 10 minutes. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE I Pioneer Hall Village Restaurant Fort Wilderness Walt Disney World Campground Resort Shopping Village Yield: 4-5 servings ps I 1 package (16 ounces) frozen 1 pint fresh strawberries I strawberries, thawed 4 or 5 slices pound cake I 1 tablespoon sugar 1 can whipped topping or 1 tablespoon cornstarch cup heavy cream, whipped I 2 tablespoons cold water I Dr ain juice from strawberries into asmall sauce an. Set strawberries a c ] m frozen stre ry BAUCE. fresh strawberries. Serve with topping or cookies from now banned walt disney cookbook Add comment... sIVIIVS - iFunny
DE I CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES Farmers Market The Land EPCOT Center I Yield: 2-2'4 dozen cookies %4 cup sugar egg I cup shortening 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons teaspoon salt cake flour I 4 teaspoon baking powder 1 package (8 ounces) I 1 teaspoon vanilla extract chocolate chips Cream together the sugar, shortening, salt, be aking powder, vanilla and egg until light and fluffy. Fold in cake flour. Add chocolate chips, I stirring just to mix evenly. On plastic wrap, shape into two 2 2-inch-in- I diameter
Super simple Garlic Bread Braids - easy enough for kids to make!
Rapunzel Garlic Bread Braids ⋆ Sugar, Spice and Glitter
Plan an Epic Beauty and the Beast Family Movie Night
An amazing themed Disney movie night for Beauty and the Beast: pizza roses, gray stuff, cheese souffle, and a stained glass craft for kids - plus lots of other menu and craft ideas. Plus a free printable to help plan an epic movie night of your own