
127 Pins
Arduino Powered Autonomous Vehicle
Arduino Powered Autonomous Vehicle: 12 Steps (with Pictures)
Arduino Boards, Compared - Tutorial Australia
Arduino Due Pinout and informative technical specs
Tresdeland - Tu mundo 3D
Pines, Pinout, Due, Arduino Uno, Mega, Atmega 328, Atmega 644, Atmega 1284, Atmega 2560, ATtiny, Chips, Arduteka, esquema
Elegoo UNO R3 Starter Kit Lesson 33, Controlling a Stepper Motor with a Rotary Encoder - Inventor Boy
33 Arduino Lessons for the novice or advanced. Great lessons for learning coding and electronics!
Using a laser like a saw to cut thicker material. Peter from the RepRap Builders blog has come up with a clever way to cut thicker material with a weaker laser. His experimental laser cutter moves the focus of the laser up and down in a saw-like motion. In a typical laser cutter the laser moves on a flat plane. It can move side to side in any direction,
A Beginner's Guide to Arduino
After some years of experimenting with Arduino, I decided that the time has come to share the knowledge I've acquired. So I here it goes, a guide to Arduino, with the bare basics for beginners and some more advanced explanations for people who are somewhat more familiar with electronics.Every step will consist of a detailed explanation, then a summary, followed by a more advanced approach.If you're a complete beginner, I recommend reading the explanation first, and then the summary. There wi...
Arduino Projects
Some fantastic Arduino projects that are great for beginners.