booklet & print media

22 Pins
SHARPER – Internal Training Programme
디자인 나스 (designnas) 학생 광고 편집 디자인 - 리플렛 포트폴리오 (advertisement leaflet)입니다. 키워드 : brand, ad, advertisement, leaflet, pamphlet, catalog, brochure, poster, branding, info graphic, design, paper, graphics, portfolio 디자인나스의 작품은 모두 학생작품입니다. all rights reserved designnas
Y este que os parece?? #personaliza, nosotros lo haremos posible AMM Serveis Digitals
quality matters
quality matters by Francesca Scalon, via Behance "is a brilliant play with the perspective shoot of the burger and the placement on the brochure"
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Twist | Creative Mailers | Unique Folds for Direct Mail
The Twist Fold uses a series of perpendicular folds to “twist” a large square sheet down to a compact folded package. The reveal is exceptional. Great for wedding and event invitations! Get a folded sample and dieline here: