pictures ofthe soul

178 Pins
Femme sculptée dans un tronc d'arbre, ses bras forment les branches. Très beau.
15 Sentences That Can Change Your Life
15 Sentences That Can Change Your Life Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter
100 Life Changing Actions to Turn into Habits - Strange & Charmed
CONTROL YOUR HABITS, CONTROL YOUR LIFE! Try turning some of these 100 Life Changing Actions into regular habits in your life to become a happier, less stressed and more organized individual.
50 Ways To Practice Self-Care + Free Printable List
50 Ways To Practice Self-Care. Self-love is a spiritual practice! To be happy and feel at peace, take good care of your self.
February 2013 – rebeccanicholeratliff
For each morning...print it out and set with their backpacks
The # 1 Maranatha Prayer Christian Community
God Grant Me The Serenity Prayer Rocks River Framed Picture by Summer Snow
Feathery Delights - Metalwork Art | Earth Balance Craft
Feathery Delights - Hand-made copper wire work feather designs