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creativity with crayons!
draw a picture with white crayon on white paper and then watercolor over it. love this idea!
Inspiration + Resources
Wrap fabric around those cheap frames to make them cute and fun
Glue Guide – Use the Right Glue for the Job
« Glue Guide - Use the Right Glue for the Job »
CLAY: 1 box baking soda (about 2 cups), 1 cup cornstarch, 1 1/2 cups water & use of stovetop. Mix all the ingredients in small pan and cook over medium heat, stir consistently until too thick to stir. Cool for 10 minutes. Knead for 5 minutes or until smooth. Wrap dough in plastic wrap to save or mold into crafts, ornaments, etc. Once molded, it takes 1 to 3 days to dry and harden. Paint with tempura or acrylic paints.
Missing Hardware? Here's a fix
Missing Hardware? Here's a solution! Make one to's simple! #diy #craft