tricycle planters

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A vintage bycicle painted a vibrant green and used as a decorative planter. Photo: B. Street Photo by Britty Page
all white bike and flowers.. I've done this and it's EASY! get a bike from the thrift shop and spray paint it ALLLLLL white (tires and all). Use appliance paint and you won't have to prime it! Add white baskets and load with flowers - easy to change with the seasons!
Temecula Wedding by Jill Thomas Photography
Old pink bicycle with container of these pretty colores flowers look great in the garden. Gorgeousness captured so beautifully!
Bike, the Princess Way in the garden carrys beautiful blooming plants, Impatiens and Petunias. this!!
Browse Photography on DeviantArt
Decorated bicycle: Paint the bicycle and add flowers for a yard decoration
webgo Webspace-Admin
I need to do this with the antique bike out in my front yard under the oak!
David Austin Roses
Lilac bicycle with flowers
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