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Art Photography Tumblr - Flechte und Baumrinde. Ich weiß nicht warum aber jedes Mal wenn ich es betracht - #aber #art #baumrinde #betracht #flechte #fotografiemenschen #ich #jedes #Mal #nicht #photography #tumblr #und #warum #Weiß #wenn
8 Reasons Your Curls Won't Last
Got limp curls? Here's what you're doing all wrong -- plus, how to curl your hair the right way #BangsHairstylesCurly
Sa mirada
Portrait by Thomas Longo, taken 28 Aug. 2011 in Sa Mirada, Spain, shared on www.flickr.com, all rights reserved.
Asase Ya (or Asase Yaa, Asaase Afua) is the Earth goddess of fertility of the Ashanti people of Ghana. She is the wife of Nyame the Sky deity, who created the universe. She gave birth to the two children, Bea (Bia) and Tano. She is also the mother of Anansi, the trickster, and divine stepmother of the sacred high chiefs. Asase Yaa is very powerful, though no temples are dedicated to her, instead she is worshiped in the fields.
Maître vaudou ZO du bénin, grand marabout du monde vous apporte sons Aide En "Amour, Richesse, chance, Protection" Mon Tél : +229 98165689.
I love you but what you do makes me hate you more
Having Conquered CL and Grimes, a Jeweler Sets Eyes on Dior
Photo courtesy Fangophilia.-Wmag