Arms Tone '24

7 Pins
BICEPS with free weights only 💪🏼 grab your dumbbells and get after sculpting those arms! 🔥 Weekly strength training will help you build muscle definition, boost metabolism, drop fat, and help you just feel good. 😎 Like in my plans, I love aiming for 3-4 sets of each exercise of 10-15 reps depending on the weights. For reference I’m holding 10lbs here, sometimes I go lighter depending on the day / workout. SAVE these in your library for easy access and enjoy that burn! 😜🙌🏼 #biceps #bicepswo...
This may contain: a woman is doing exercises on the grass
Functional Core Workouts 👍| Workouts | Women’s Fitness | Exercise
Are you trying to lose weight? Do you want a TONED body? Do you want a snatched waist? Do you want to grow into the best version of yourself? You're at the right place! I find the best fitness tips and diet plans that will move you into a healthy lifestyle! | P.S. Follow my page for new tips every week. Workout for women, chest and tricep workout, workout women, workouts for women, gym workouts Arm workout, arm workouts, arm workout women with weights, arms workout women, toned arms workout Leg workout, legs workout, leg workout gym, leg workout at home, leg workout at the gym Glute workout at home, at home glute workout, glutes workout, glute workout, buttocks workout Abs workout, ab workout women, ab workouts at home, abs workout routines, ab workout
Sculpted Shoulders in my 50's!
Who says you can’t have sculpted arms in your 50s! Here’s an example of a workout that I would put on repeat! Not every day, of course, but perhaps once a week! I actually filmed a similar workout and it will be out on my YouTube channel next week. Be sure to follow me over there.