painting portriats

774 Pins
raising chickens
This guy writes from his own experience. He says that after years of cleaning chicken poop, he now has a system where he doesn't have to; has almost eliminated feed costs, and has a system where he can go more than a week of tending to his chickens. He talks about the pros and cons of every method and gives various other tips to raising chickens such as preventing predators and training chickens to eat slugs! A must read! #chickens #chicks #chickdays #poultry #farm #ruralking www.ruralking.c...
TX - American Seramas
I have been raising these birds for 3 years and have established a nice flock. I will have both hens and roosters for sale from time to time. Email if
Rooster - Dog Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology
struttin' his stuff
Not a USC GAMECOCK but he is beautiful, isn't he?
Richard Alan Schmid | Patricia (Patricia Tuz) (1967) | MutualArt