Home made artist material

27 Pins
How to Make Your Own Alcohol Ink (CHEAP)!! - This is a very fascinating tutorial. There is also a document you can download with instructions.
Cheap & Easy Homemade Clear Embossing Ink
CAN THIS BE TRUE??? Homemade Clear Embossing Ink. +pib
How to make your own Alcohol Inks, Shimmer Mists, Mod Podge and more
Birgit's Daily Bytes: How to make your own Alcohol Inks, Shimmer Mists, Mod Podge and more
Create With Kids: Make Your Own Bottle Top Stamps
bottle tops, glue on foam stickers. Instant stamps. great idea!
1 part white glue 2-3 parts water 3 parts cornstarch 3 parts baking soda A bit of White acrylic paint
Cheap & Easy Homemade Clear Embossing Ink
DIY homemade acrylic sprays Recipe!!!!!
A Tranquil Moment {With NEW Websters Pages 'Plum Seed' Collection}!
Such a Pretty Mess: A Tranquil Moment {With NEW Websters Pages 'Plum Seed' Collection}!
What Are These And Why Would You Want One? - Kathie George
making stencils with a hot glue gun and a teflon sheet
How to Make Alcohol Ink for Rubber Stamping | ehow.com
Homemade alcohol ink. 2 methods. One: in a baby food jar, pour 1 pkg powdered Rit dye, fill with rubbing alcohol and shake until no grains remain. Method #2: (this won't be grainy) mix ½ cup of isopropyl alcohol (NOT rubbing alcohol) to every two teaspoons of liquid Rit dye. You may want to add more dye as necessary to create a deeper color, but a little goes a long way.