
25 Pins
To my old best guy friend, and probably going to be for my current best friend soon:
I know you don't care though. I wasn't the one you "...don't want to fight with. I love you and don't want to lose you."
Why Do Narcissists Turn Ugly And Cruel So Quickly? - AyaShehata85
Why Do Narcissists Turn Ugly And Cruel So Quickly?
Soon! That Ghost will haunt you everyday! That pain you caused you will feel... you will know and understand!
I cannot apologies. I want to. But i know that if i hadnt done what ive done. I wouldnt be here next to you. I wouldnt realize that all i want is you. There wouldnt be us. .. and i love us. I sacraficed my insanity way to much for us. It was hard and it broke me on so many levels. And i did that for us. So please dont think i never thought of you.