pole moves

522 Pins
Five beginner friendly knee hook variations you need to try at your next pole training session 💪 Send this to your pole buddy to try these with! 1. Extend top hand up upon entry, side bend to reach under shin, push out chest as the leg straightens 2. Keep body extended up, as leg swings around lean forward to grab the pole under the knee, eyeline down during spin 3. Swing leg around straight to hook ontop, exhale to help take weight into elbow. Take other hand off with soft fingertips, ...
This may contain: a woman is sitting on the floor with her legs spread out in front of her
TUTORIAL: 5 выходов из зацепа коленом
Сохраняй! TUTORIAL: 5 выходов из зацепа коленом! На видео наша крутышка Маня Визлова 🔥 #tutorial #exoticpole #exoticpoledance #exotictricks #tricks #танцымосква #студиятанцевмосква #пилонмосква #пилон
This may contain: a woman is doing aerial acrobatics on a pole
Мой инст: yanakositcina #Poledance, #polesport, #polefit #трюки, #растяжка, #шпагат, #пилон, #акробатиканапилоне, #спб, #танцы #stretching #танцы #poleexotic #танцор #тренерспб #тренер
This may contain: a woman is doing acrobatic tricks on a pole in an empty room
This may contain: a woman standing on top of a pole in the middle of a room with a mirror
Pole Dancing with Sticky Leggings
"Who else hears a certain tune (when no music is playing) when they train. Yup we’ve been there and done that, and I’m sure you have to. All to real 😂 Thanks for the laugh Niky. Save this for later 💜 #spinningpole #spinningpoletrick #spinningpoletraining #poledance #poledancing #stickyleggings #stickygloves #polelove #polelife #poledance #polepassion #polecombo #poledancing #poleinspiration #poledancemotivation"
This may contain: a woman standing on one leg while holding onto a pole with the words 5 ways to pole drop from a pole in front of the pole
3 ways to pole drop 🌪️
Save and try❤️ #poledance #poleflow #polefit #poledancenation #poledancersofinstagram #poledrop
This may contain: two women doing acrobatic tricks in front of a sign that says, the most common mistakes in the diamond
The most common mistakes in the “diamond”
#poledance #polefit #poledancenation #poledancersofinstagram
This may contain: a woman is on a pole in the middle of a dance floor with text that reads beginner spin combo 8 chair spin
Early Beginner Spin Pole Combo
This is a combo that i have been working on with a private beginner student. We learnes it first on static pole, but it also translates nicely to spin pole as demonstrated here. #spinpole #poledance #poleflow #polefit #poledancenation #beginnerpole
This may contain: a woman is doing aerial acrobatics on a pole with the caption, advanced beginner spin combo 3 chair spin
Advanced beginner spin combo
This is a spin combo for thise who are advanced beginenrs (for example aomeone who can do basic holds and climbs but may not yet be able to invert) #poledance #poletrick #poledancewear #beginnerpole #beginnerdance
This may contain: a woman is doing pole dancing in an indoor area with the words intermediae spin combo
Intermediate spin pole combo