Re.Design Africa

Celebrating the incredible creativity of Africa's people.
715 Pins
Simbè Sankarè, from the Republic of Mali, in "mud cloth" clothing
Simbè Sankarè, from Sèvarè, Mali, is dressed in “bogolan” fabric, or “mud cloth” dyed with fermented mud. | ©Tom Debley
The OTHER Africa (Pictures!)
Africa | Portrait of a Wodaabe couple | by Carol Beckwith from her African Ceremonies Series...............<3
They primarily live in the Afar Region of Ethiopia and in northern Djibouti, although some also inhabit the southern point of Eritrea.
Djibouti and Djiboutian - Page 3
Afar girls in Djibouti. Closely related to Oromo in culture and identity
Maasai Women dance and welcome.
Masai Women, Africa love the colour!!!!
World of Ethno
Pokot Tribe: the Pokot people live in the West Pokot County and Baringo County of Kenya and in Pokot District of eastern Karamoja region in Uganda. They speak Pökoot, language of the Southern Nilotic language family.
Mucawana Tribe Girl, Ruacana, Namibia
Mucawana Tribe Girl, Ruacana, Namibia | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
MAROC - Femme Berbère - Bijoux - Tatouage " | En vente sur Delcampe"
Africa | Young Imilchil girl. Atlas Mountain region, Morocco || Scanned postcard image