Ambleside Online
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Marco Polo - The Travels of Marco Polo, Life & Kublai Khan
Marco Polo was born in 1254, in Venice, Italy. He traveled extensively with his family, journeying from Europe to Asia from 1271 to 1295.
John Cabot - Timeline, Facts & Route
TCOO Ch 6: In this chapter, we hear the story of John Cabot (born Giovanni Cabotto) and his voyage to North America.
Michelangelo Day...
This was a BIG day so I will list all the resources again at the end of the post. We decided to go the whole hog and do Italian the whole day, this included speaking Italian, although neither of us can speak Italian so it just meant peppering sentences with any random Italian words and talking in an bad Italian accent - amusing if not educational! #michelangelounitstudy
National Geographic Magazine
Marco Polo in China. Nat'l Geographic, Part 2.