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How to make a pop up book without any special skills
How to make a pop up book without any special skills
Sigils- repost from my BUJO blog
I use Sigils in many of my spells and witch crafts. My two favourite forms of working sigils are the Magic Square of Saturn and the Witches Sigil Wheel. Both allow you to create a sigil that is almost impossible for someone else to read. Whereas bindrunes another popular method are quite easy to break…
Second 'lil book of Grimoire Club Mini Books: Psychic. . 🔮⭐🌚️ I colored with soluble coffee, colored pencils and my handmade chameleon and metallic watercolors. You can download these adorable little books by subscribing to Ami Cesari’s newsletter.🔮 #amycesari #adultcoloringbooks #wicca #wiccaart #coloringbookofshadows #magic #solublecoffee #coffee #grimoireclub #pigna #cartapigna #cartierepaolopigna #handmadewatercolors #chameleonwatercolors #metallicwatercolors
Moon Rituals from Planner 2023 by Amy Cesari.🌝🌚I used soluble coffee for the background, handmade metallic watercolors, colored pencils and white Uni Posca. #amycesari #adultcoloringbooks #coloryaimaginor #adultcoloringbooks #wicca #wiccaart #metallicwatercolors #handmadewatercolors #coloringbookofshadows #coloryaimaginorpencils #colorya #handmadewatercolors #coloringbookofshadowsplanner2023 #magic #ducdeberry #hourbook #librodore #librodelleore