Air Force

745 Pins
Spitfire v. V1 attempting to use its wingtip to "topple" a V-1 flying bomb Brave men. Respect ,for our freedom
GrahamTG - Hobbyist, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
RAF Tornado looking it's best
100+ Inspiring Quotes When You Need Some Life Motivation
So True...doubt gets in the way of evening pursuing a dreamy times...and even for those that start it will crush a dream in the middle of the pursuit when things get tough. Whatever your dream pursue it and push through it.
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Counting other people`s sins does not make you a saint.
Отечественная военная техника (после 1945 г.) • Просмотр темы - МиГ-25П - FOXBAT-A, -С, -E
MIG 25 "Foxbat"
F-111 dump and burn by PhotoRefresh on DeviantArt
F-111 passing gas. Literally. The Dump And Burn was a favorite of Royal Australian Air Force F-111 Aardvark pilots. Dump some fuel, then light the afterburners. Instant flame trail. Not recommended during formation flying!
Life is Short and the World is Wide
P51 Mustang. June 9, 1943: The famed “Tuskegee Airmen” are involved in their first air battle with German fighter planes in the skies over North Africa. These flyers from the 99th Fighter Squadron were among those trained at Tuskegee Army Air Field, the center for pilot training of African Americans during World War II.
The Best Modern Fighter Planes of 2011
Wow-you better run!
F117 Stealth Fighter accident - I love how command has that, " I think we broke it" look..