
142 Pins
8 Sections
IKEAS 7 Best Sewing Room Items - Simple Simon and Company
IKEA’s Best Sewing Room Items! The bulk of the storage pieces, work areas, and furniture in both mine and Elizabeth’s sewing rooms comes from IKEA. Without our planning we both gravitated toward the practical pieces, clean lines, and affordable prices that we we found there. And so today we are showing you our list of...Read More »
Work Table DIY for Your Craft or Sewing Studio  – Scrap Booking
Work Table DIY for Your Craft or Sewing Studio – Scrap Booking
What is a pattern card and why you should already be using one
Find out what a pattern card is and why you should already be using one!
Fabric Basket Sewing Pattern for the Cricut Maker
Free Sewing Pattern for Fabric Baskets designed to work with the Cricut Maker. Fabric Basket Sewing Pattern that is easy to make and great for a beginning seamstress. #CricutMade #CricutMaker #CricutProject #FabricBasket #SewingPattern #freesewingpattern #fabricbasketDIY {ad}
Great idea to store mats!
How to Tape, Cut and Organize Your PDF Sewing Patterns
Learn How To Tape, Cut and Organize Your PDF Sewing Patterns