
376 Pins
38 Yoga Quotes to Inspire You to Try It Out -
Friends, Saying Images shares these top 50 profound Yoga Quotes sayings to help inspire you on your journey to health, awareness, and happiness. Yoga began in Northern India’s ancient culture 5,000…MoreMore #YogaInspiration
The Definitive Guide to Yoga for Beginners and Experts
definitive guide: yoga
Kickin’ It Old-School, Sun Salutation Style
Turn your face towards the sun, and let the shadows fall behind you.
Bandhas 101: All About the 4 Yogic Body Locks
Did you know that you have four locks in your body, commonly known as the bandhas in Sanskrit? These locks or bandhas work as pressure points that your body can use to flush away toxins from the internal system.
Learn All About the Yamas and Niyamas From the Yoga Sutra
Learn about the Yamas and Niyamas, yoga's code of ethics and morals from Patanjali's Yoga Sutra. These guiding principles apply to all aspects of your life.
Wanderlust | Yoga & Music Events, Classes, Studios & Apparel
#YogaEveryDamnWay: Forrest Yoga - Mending the Hoop of the People