18 Pins
Crafting Activities while making a Farm Animal Lapbook!
Back to Ancient Ways: Crafting Activities while making a Farm Animal Lapbook!
Spotted Cow
Spotted Cow....this would be fun adriane if we go to that dairy you learned about today in Easton!
Theme Thursday: Down on the Farm
June 20th celebrate Dairy Month by making a Moo Mask.
Cow Bookmark Craft
Make reading even more fun for your kids with a kid-friendly cow bookmark craft
Edible Bubble Science Experiment With Apples!
Edible Bubble Science With Apples! Perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, and older kids! Complete with instructions & science explanations!! at Preschool Powol Packets
Printable - My Plate Dairy Learning Sheet
Teach children about foods from the dairy group using the new My Plate!
Krazy in the Kitchen: How to Freeze Dairy Products
Freezing Dairy Products: This is a good guide to what can and cannot be frozen and how to do it.
Pagina niet gevonden - Seasons
This little guy is taken from his mother and locked in a darkened barn and never allowed to go outside or even run around until he is killed for veal. Nice story, eh?
The Priceless and Hilarious Illustrations of Chow Hon Lam | Inspirationfeed
The Priceless and Hilarious Illustrations of Chow Hon Lam
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Button Art Kitchen Cow Black White Holstein Cattle by BellePapiers
Bees and Cows.jpg
The American family depends on dairy! #2013JuneDairyMonth #CelebrateDairy